How can computers roll dice?

by Sam Estep, 2024-10-20

If you type "roll a die" into Google, it... well, it rolls a die:

Google "roll a die"

But how does it do that?

To start: you may have heard that computers use binary numbers. That's true! This has been well-explained by many other people, so if you're unfamiliar, check out one of those explanations, e.g. Khan Academy.

(6 minutes later) Welcome back! So yeah, every digit of every number in your computer is either a 0 or a 1. Kind of like when you flip a coin, it's either heads or tails. (Or edge, but that's a different post entirely.) Let's talk about coin flips, then!

Coin flips

You can also Google "flip a coin":

Google "flip a coin"

This is much closer to the computer's native tongue. All it has to do is generate a single random bit. For the remainder of this post, we're going to take "generate a random bit" (or equivalently, "flip a coin") as a basic primitive, and then build everything else on top of that.

Let's say we want to simulate a die roll but all we have is a coin to flip. How can we give each number on the die an equal chance? Well, we can start by flipping the coin once. This at least lets us narrow down the possibilities:

Either way we have 3 possibilities left. Now we're kinda stuck. If we flip the coin again, how do we choose what to do? Let's say our first flip was heads, so our choices are 2, 4, or 6. We could say:

And then if we got tails, we need to flip a third time to choose between 4 and 6. But this is not a fair die roll! We're twice as likely to get 2 as we are to get 4, and similarly we're twice as likely to get 2 as 6. What are we to do?

30% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6


Let's look at how real computers do it. If you have the snake language installed, it's pretty straightforward to use the builtin random module to simulate rolling a die:

$ python
>>> import random
>>> random.randint(1, 6)
>>> random.randint(1, 6)

Now, you and I may have different ideas of fun, but I always enjoy doing a little deep dive of the source code for other people's software that I'm running. How is randint defined?

randint = _inst.randint


_inst = Random()

So that means:

def randint(self, a, b):
    """Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.

    return self.randrange(a, b+1)

Fair enough: to generate a random integer between 1 and 6 (inclusive), that's the same as generating a random integer between 1 (inclusive) and 7 (exclusive). If you look at the source for randrange, there are three different cases; we're only interested in one of them, so I'll simplify the source code as if that were the only case:

def randrange(self, start, stop):
    """Choose a random item from range(start, stop).

    istart = _index(start)
    istop = _index(stop)
    width = istop - istart
    istep = _index(step)
        if width > 0:
            return istart + self._randbelow(width)
        raise ValueError(f"empty range in randrange({start}, {stop})")

So to generate a random integer between 1 (inclusive) and 7 (exclusive), that's the same as generating a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and 6 (exclusive) and then adding 1 at the end; but the rabbit hole gets deeper. What is _randbelow?

_randbelow = _randbelow_with_getrandbits


def _randbelow_with_getrandbits(self, n):
    "Return a random int in the range [0,n).  Defined for n > 0."

    getrandbits = self.getrandbits
    k = n.bit_length()
    r = getrandbits(k)  # 0 <= r < 2**k
    while r >= n:
        r = getrandbits(k)
    return r

Now that's what I'm talkin' about! See how it's defined entirely in terms of getrandbits? Like we said before, in the end it all goes back to coin flips. First we call bit_length on n, which works like this:

>>> n = 6
>>> bin(n)
>>> n.bit_length()

So Python looks at the upper limit for the range of integers we care about, and asks: how many bits do I need to represent that integer? In the case of rolling a die, the answer is three bits, or three coin flips. So far, nothing is different from what we did before, because if you recall, in the worst case we did need to flip our coin three times. But here instead of deciding what to do after each coin flip, we simply flip the coin three times right at the start. This gives a uniform random three-bit integer. The smallest integer we can represent with three bits is 0, and the largest is 7. And indeed, if you run random.getrandbits(3) many times, you'll see this uniform distribution!

30% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

OK... but that's not what we actually want. We wanted the generated integer to be less than 6, so we can add 1 to it and get a uniform die roll. And that's where the while loop comes in: if the generated integer is 6 or 7, we completely ignore it, flip the coin three more times, and try again. We just keep doing this until we get something in the correct range. In general this technique is called rejection sampling. As we said before, we can do this until it works, then add 1.

30% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6

And really, this works fine. If all you wanted to know is how your computer rolls a die then congratulations, now you know! But... isn't this a bit inefficient? Well, we can plot the chance that

and draw those in a different kind of histogram.

100% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 number of coin flips

This shows that it's not horrible: the chance of having to retry nn times is exponential in nn. Actually, how well should we expect to be able to do? Well, in the case where nn is a power of two, uniformly sampling a nonnegative integer less than nn is equivalent to flipping a coin log2n\log_2 n times; no need to retry. If nn is not a power of two then instead of directly giving the number of coin flips, that logarithm gives the entropy of the distribution; if we're using random bits to faithfully sampling from the distribution, we can't do better than the entropy on average. So for varying values of nn on the xx-axis, we can plot the entropy (in blue) and Python's expected number of coin flips (in red) on the yy-axis.

15 0 20 40 60 80 100

For some integers, Python will on average sample roughly the theoretical minimum possible number of bits. But for others, it samples twice as many bits as should be needed!

If you've been reading carefully, you may have noticed that there's some low-hanging fruit here: in the case where nn is a power of two, its binary representation is just a 1 followed by some number of 0s. In that case, we should never need to retry, but Python samples from a range exactly twice as big as it should be, so retries are possible. But that case only affects powers of two, and it turns out that we can do better even for all those other numbers that aren't powers of two.

A more clever approach

I say "more clever" instead of "more smarter" because there's probably a good reason people don't do this in practice. But we're gonna do it anyway! It turns out that when we reject a sample, we can save some of the randomness we've already accumulated; there's a discussion about this on Stack Overflow, which links to a paper about the Fast Dice Roller algorithm. Here's a Python implementation of that algorithm (modified slightly for the n == 1 case); again, we assume that we have a flip function that returns 0 half the time and 1 the other half of the time:

def fast_dice_roller(n):
    v = 1
    c = 0
    while True:
        while v < n:
            v = 2 * v
            c = 2 * c + flip()
        if c < n:
            return c
            v -= n
            c -= n

Let's walk through how this works for our 6-sided die example! So, n == 6. We'll visualize this process as a flow chart that goes from top to bottom and left to right (same as reading English prose). Each circle in the flow chart contains the value of v at that point in the process.

1 3× flip 8 < 6? subtract 6 2 2× flip 8 < 6? subtract 6

As you can see from the code, we start with v == 1. We flip the coin (doubling v each time) until we have v >= 6, which in this case takes three coin flips. At this point we have v == 8, and we check to see whether c < 6. If so, we're all done! Otherwise, we subtract 6 from v, leaving v == 2. Now we only need to flip the coin twice to get back to v >= 6. We again check; if c < 6 then we return, and if not then we subtract 6 from v again. But we've seen this before: 8 - 6 == 2, so we've hit a cycle! This cycle is indicated in the diagram by a big red asterisk.

We saw that once we've entered this cycle, we now only need to flip the coin twice for each attempt, instead of three times. OK, but does that actually help us? Turns out, yes, it does! Here's its expected number of coin flips for a given n, plotted in green.

15 0 20 40 60 80 100

As you can see, while the red curve can be up to double the height of the blue curve at a given point, the green curve is never more than 2 flips above the blue curve.

Now you know not only how your computer rolls dice, but also how it could roll dice even better. But... look at the shape of that graph. Kinda weird, right? Doesn't it just tug at your brain and make you want to understand it a bit more?

More math

The key invariant in this algorithm is that, at the start every iteration of the while True loop, c is always a uniformly random nonnegative integer less than v. At the start we have v == 1, so the only such integer is 0, and indeed that is c's value! Now, think about what we do inside the inner while loop. We double v, so now c needs to be uniformly distributed across twice as many possible values. We start by doubling c. This always produces a value that is even! So we're missing all the odd values less than v. Then, the flip function always returns either 0 or 1, so when we add its result after doubling c, we have a 50% chance to stay on an even value, and a 50% to go to the odd value immediately following it. We've restored the invariant that c is uniformly sampled from all nonnegative integers less than v.

But that's all the same as in our earlier rejection sampling approach. The trick is what we do after we check if c < n. When this is True, remember that c was uniformly sampled, so all the nonnegative integers less than n were equally likely, and so we just return c. But if it's False, now we know for a fact that c >= n. And again, all those nonnegative integers at least n but less than v were equally likely, so if we subtract n from both v and c, we maintain our invariant! Now v is a smaller value, but it's often still greater than 1, so we can use some of the randomness we've already gotten to avoid flipping our coin quite as many times. You can see this in the diagram above: if we were just doing rejection sampling then we'd have to flip the coin three times every time we failed, but in this case we flip three times only at first, and then after that we only flip twice on every subsequent iteration.

That was but a simple example. Actually, there are even simpler ones: if we have a power of two like n == 32, there is no cycle at all; we just flip our coin a few times and then return.

1 5× flip 32

But these cycles can also get much longer: here's n == 11.

1 4× flip 16 < 11? subtract 11 5 2× flip 20 < 11? subtract 11 9 1× flip 18 < 11? subtract 11 7 1× flip 14 < 11? subtract 11 3 2× flip 12 < 11? subtract 11

This is a lot more interesting! In our n == 6 example the cycle only went back to the previous node in the flow chart, but here it went all the way back to the beginning. So the cycles can be different lengths. Here are the first few of those cycle lengths, for n == 1 through n == 40, and for powers of two where there's no cycle, I've inserted 1 as a placeholder value. (Try using 0 instead for a different rabbit hole!)

1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 9, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 10, 6, 9, 1, 14, 1, 1, 1, 5, 4, 5, 3, 18, 9, 4, 2, ...

Turns out, if you look up this sequence, it already has a name! It's called A136043:

Period-lengths of the base-22 MR\text{MR}-expansions of the reciprocals of the positive integers.

Neat! The bit about "reciprocals of the positive integers" makes sense, because if you're trying to uniformly sample a nonnegative integer less than nn, the chance of getting any specific possibility should be equal to 1/n1/n. What is an MR\text{MR}-expansion, though? Turns out it's defined in OEIS A136042 (that page actually has a couple errors, which I've corrected here):

The base-mm MR\text{MR}-expansion of a positive real number xx, denoted by MR(x,m)\text{MR}(x, m), is the integer sequence {s(1),s(2),s(3),}\{s(1), s(2), s(3), \ldots\}, where s(i)s(i) is the smallest exponent dd such that (md)x(i)>1(m^d)x(i) > 1 and where x(i+1)=(md)x(i)1x(i + 1) = (m^d)x(i) - 1, with the initialization x(1)=xx(1) = x. The base-22 MR\text{MR}-expansion of 1/291/29 is periodic with period length 1414. Further computational results (see A136043) suggest that if pp is a prime with 22 as a primitive root, then the base-22 MR\text{MR}-expansion of 1/p1/p is periodic with period (p1)/2(p - 1)/2. This has been confirmed for primes up to 20002000. The base-22 MR\text{MR}-expansion of e=2.71828e = 2.71828\ldots is given in A136044.

This is a bit dense and I'm not going to work through it in detail here, but if you think about it, it roughly matches up with the algorithm we've been examining. See how it mentions "the smallest exponent dd"? That's the same as our number of coin flips in each row of the diagrams we've been looking at! Each flip doubles v, so that's exponentiation right there. The process of defining x(i+1)x(i + 1) in terms of x(i)x(i) and mdm^d (where m=2m = 2 in our case) is essentially the same as our process of going from one row of the diagram to the next.

That's all I'll say about this sequence for now, but by all means dig further into this definition if you're curious! And if you think about it and look back at the diagrams we've been drawing, there are a couple other sequences we could define instead... can you find any of those in the OEIS?


And there you have it: we learned

  1. how your computer probably rolls dice,
  2. a cleverer way your computer could roll dice, and
  3. some fun math about patterns that emerge from that cleverer way.

One question you may still have is, how do computers flip coins in the first place? We kind of swept that under the rug at the beginning. Others have already written more about this, but simplifying a lot, your computer looks at something unpredictable in the real world, e.g. lava lamps, and uses some math to slice and dice what it sees into a sequence of random bits. Then your computer hands out those random bits to programs that ask for them, like the functions we've been looking at in this post.

Hopefully you had fun reading this! I've posted it on Hacker News and on Twitter, so feel free to reply there with any questions or comments!